Re: LITERATURE TECH, was Re: client-side empty eyesockets the wave of the future?

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Sun Apr 21 2002 - 03:34:14 MDT

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Michael M. Butler wrote:

> Confession: I put hard line breaks in because one person asked me to (on the
> ExI list). I might change back; I do think it's a bit silly.

How should the MUA know where to put the citation marks, then? Would you
rather prefer to be quoted like this:
> I agree that better reading/writing tools are needed. I wish CoV the best of luck (or whatever the appropriate expression is in CoV-speak) with their approach. 2002 and we still don't have wide acceptance of typed (n>1)-directional links, nor decent filters. *Sigh* Sometimes I wonder if search engines have provided a kind of lock-in disincentive for filters. I know the Web has done that for typed n-way links. "It'll do anything you want.... Why would you want to do _thaaaat_?"

I agree that most standards are braindead, and wherever I sense the making
of a new standard I usually tend to beg and plead all the parties involved
so that they think really really hard about the specs, how they might
break in future, taking input from as many as diverse sources as possible.
(They never do).

However, arguing about the brokenness of standards is moot. They are that,
the user base is locked forever, so we have to lie back, and think of
England. For time being, until something much better comes along and the
lemming base decides to move in a land slide fashion (stand aside lest you
trampled by millions of little furry feet).
> PS: why should we be using the ExI BBS, again?

I hear there's a new periphery device in the make which will make my IBM
Model M Space Saver obsolete. It looks like a cellphone, and comes with an
USB jack. The designers feels the look and feel as well as the mode of
text entry is easier on new users, since presenting a familiar UI. It even
comes with a screwdriver, and an eyepatch.

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