FW: New journal articles about consciousness and quantum physics online

From: Colin Hales (colin@versalog.com.au)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 16:39:23 MDT

-----Original Message-----
From: PSYCHE Discussion Forum (Theoretical emphasis)
[mailto:PSYCHE-D@LISTSERV.UH.EDU]On Behalf Of Ruediger Vaas
Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2002 5:37 AM
Subject: New journal articles about consciousness and quantum physics

Hello list-members,
the peer-reviewed electronic Journal "Informação e Cognição"
(vol. 3, no. 3) has recently published a special issue about
consciousness and quantum physics, edited by Alfredo Pereira Jr.

This is the link to the content page:

Here you can find the following articles (click at them to get them):

   What is an Essentially Quantum Mechanical Effect?
   Osvaldo Pessoa Jr.

   Are Perceptual Fields Quantum Fields?
   Brian Flanagan

   The Quantum Mind/Classical Brain Problem
   Alfredo Pereira Jr.

   Why Quantum Correlates of Consciousness Are Fine But Not Enough
   Ruediger Vaas

   Uma Revisão da Teoria da Consciência de Penrose-Hameroff
   Henrique de Morais Ribeiro

   A Evolução Biológica Seria Regida Pelas Leis da Evolução Física?
   Sérgio Henrique Vannucchi Leme de Mattos

Below I attach the abstracts of those articles as they were published.

Best regards,


What is an Essentially Quantum Mechanical Effect?
Osvaldo Pessoa Jr.

When asking whether consciousness is an “essentially
quantum effect”, one must first lay down criteria
for considering an effect quantum mechanical. After
a brief survey of the interpretations of quantum
theory, three such sufficient criteria are proposed
and examined: wave-particle duality (or collapse),
entanglement (“non-locality”), and quantum condensation
(involving “identical” particles). A fourth criteria
could involve the use of quantum field theories, but
this problem is left open. If a quantum effect played
an essential role in the brain, it would probably follow
the first criterion, since the entanglement of many
particles would be rapidly washed out by decoherence,
and there is no strong evidence for the existence of
biological condensates.

Are Perceptual Fields Quantum Fields?
Brian Flanagan

We discuss Chalmers’ “hard problem” in respect of a
mind/brain identity theory. We examine a handful of
mathematical parallels between the visual field and
its concomitant quantum field, and argue for an
identity between the two fields.

The Quantum Mind/Classical Brain Problem
Alfredo Pereira Jr.

The quantum theory of mind allows a shift from the
Mind/Brain metaphysical problem to the Quantum
Mind/Classical Brain scientific problem: how could
systematic and coherent quantum processes - assumed
to be the physical support of our conscious experiences
- occur in a macroscopic system as the brain? I discuss
a solution based on a neurobiological model that attributes
to quantum computation in intra-neuronal protein networks
the role of directly supporting phenomenal experience. In
this model, quantum coherence is created or prepared by
classical mechanisms as recurrent neuronal networks,
oscillatory synchrony and gated membrane channels, thus
avoiding common theoretical constraints for the existence
of quantum communication and computation (ultra-cold
temperatures and quasi-isolation from the environment).

Why Quantum Correlates of Consciousness Are Fine But Not Enough
Ruediger Vaas

The existence of quantum correlates of consciousness (QCC)
is doubtful from a scientific perspective. But even if their
existence were verified, philosophical problems would remain.
On the other hand, there could be more to QCC than meets the
sceptic's eye:
-- QCC might be useful or even necessary for a better
understanding of conscious experience or quantum physics or
both. The main reasons for this are: the measurement problem
(the nature of observation, the mysterious collapse of the
wave function, etc.), ostensibly shared features of quantum
phenomena and conscious phenomena (e.g., complementarity,
nonspatiality, acausality, spontaneity, and holism) and
connections (ontology, causation, and knowledge), the
qualia problem (subjectivity, explanatory gap etc.). But
there are many problems, especially questions regarding
realism and thenature and role of conscious observers;
-- QCC are conceptually challenging, because there are
definitory problems and some crucial ontological and
epistemological shortcomings. It is instructive to compare
them with recent proposals for understanding neural correlates
of consciousness (NCC). QCC are not sufficient for a quantum
theory of mind, nor might they be necessary except perhaps
in a very broad sense;
-- QCC are also empirically challenging. Nevertheless, QCC
could be relevant and important for the mind-body problem:
QCC might reveal features that are necessary at least for
behavioral manifestations of human consciousness. But QCC
are compatible with very different proposals for a solution
of the mind-body problem. This seems to be both advantageous
and detrimental. QCC restrict accounts of nomological identity.
The discovery of QCC cannot establish a naturalistic theory
of mind alone. But there are also problems with QCC in the
framework of other ontologies.

Uma Revisão da Teoria da Consciência de Penrose-Hameroff
Henrique de Morais Ribeiro

Este artigo representa a parte descritiva de um trabalho no
qual se analisa criticamente a hipótese de consciência
quântica de Penrose-Hameroff. Segundo esta hipótese, a
integração das atividades cerebrais (binding) é devida
ao fenômeno quântico do condensado de Bose-Einstein
amplificado, hipótese esta que indica a existência de
um campo interdisciplinar de pesquisa, a Neurociência
Computacional-Relativística Quântica. Esta ciência
representa uma grande interdisciplina que liga outras
ciências, quais sejam a Mecânica Quântica, a Teoria da
Relatividade e a Neurobiologia, de modo que a hipótese
haure fontes nestas disciplinas. No que se refere à Mecânica
Quântica, discute-se brevemente o problema da medida e a
correspondente abordagem de Penrose deste problema, em
termos de redução objetiva do vetor de estado quântico
(objetive reduction, OR). Na Relatividade, são abordados
os elementos do problema da grande unificação, e a proposta
de Penrose para sua solução. No domínio da Neurobiologia,
investiga-se a anatomia e a fisiologia dos microtúbulos,
considerados relevantes para o entendimento dos fenômenos
mentais. Na complexa ligação entre essas ciências, a
hipótese de Penrose representa um importante traço de
união interdisciplinar. Em outro artigo, tratar-se-á da
análise crítica dos pressupostos da hipótese descrita neste

A Evolução Biológica Seria Regida Pelas Leis da Evolução Física?
Sérgio Henrique Vannucchi Leme de Mattos

Neste trabalho realizo uma resenha crítica do livro Evolution
Without Selection: Form and Function by Autoevolution, de A.

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