Re: META: Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 07:48:24 MDT

>From: Harvey Newstrom <>

>>Mike Lorrey wrote:

>> "Extremism in defense of extropy is no vice, moderation in
>> pursuit of a transhumanist future is no virtue."

>I disagree. I hate this quote. Extremism is evil, even if it is
>for a good cause. Then ends do not justify the means. We must
>keep logic and rationality in mind on every issue. No issue is so
>important that we break the rules, don't consider the
>consequences, or give ourselves special considerations that we do
>not allow for others. This is the trap that all evil empires and
>religious cults fall into. The cause becomes so great that we
>don't have time to plan, we don't have time to consider, we don't
>have time to be careful. When the speed becomes of the essence so
>that delays are unacceptable, corners are cut, security is lost,
>mistakes are made, and catastrophes happen.

I'm not an extremist, (nor illiterate) although I've been
inappropriately labeled as such.

When you apply logic and rationality to politics you are often seen
as extreme, since it's decisions are usually made based on
emotions, and your position violates others preconceived notions.

Take the middle east problem. Two groups want to live in the same
area. Logic says they should negotiate and come to a settlement
whereas they can both live there.

But one group refuses to live with the other group, so no
negotiation is possible. The only current solution is for them to
battle it out till one party is eliminated, or the party refusing
to negotiate changes it's postion, or a new solution is found.

Simple application of the principals.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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