From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 06:13:43 MDT

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Rüdiger Koch wrote:

> You guys are pretty negative. Given the quantities this is about I'd say that
> even a 1% chance to overcome the problems should warrant to put EUR100M into
> investigating that. It's clear that traditional mining and driving out the

Much better R&D ROI on thin-film photovoltaics, high-efficiency water
electrolysis and fuel cells. I would even considered putting it into
alternative higher-risk scenarios, like developing an artificial
photosynthetic center that is cheap and stable enough for practical use.

> gas with heat is not applicable here. Maybe someone else has other means.
> Eric Drexler might have an idea if you give him half of those EUR100M.

Really, looking for ways to liberate high-pressure geohydrogen bound in
bulk rock (traps are different) a few miles under your feet is another
nonproblem nonsolution.

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