Re:META: Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: JMS (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 05:58:00 MDT

<<Giving up ? :-)
I\'m not giving up on looking at the ways that societies and cultures live and work together, and I think that it is the largest problem that faces humankind on this planet today, if humans are going to survive to any \'transhuman\' state. Our own extropian microcosm is a perfect example that we have the same kinds of problems here. How can we expect to travel to and live outside of this planet if we cannot find how to live on Earth with other humans, and how to discuss these kinds of issues, even in our own extropian community?>>

Just to be petty and definitionistic (yeuch! horrible word...) Don\'t we want to survive to a *Posthuman* state? I think we are Transhuman state the moment we make the decision that we want to overcome our human one.

I\'m of the opinion that we can learn more about how we can live on this planet more effectively by looking at what we have to do to live on another planet (Mars for example).

<<In my opinion, the solutions *do* exist for how to accomplish this feat, if only we open our eyes, listen, experience, pay attention, and educate ourselves, hopefully without the extra baggage of ignorant prejudices (some compassion would help too). History has provided us with many pieces of the puzzle: We know many ways of working and living together with other humans that *don\'t work*, as well as many that *do* work. So then, use that information. In this era, we have the best chance to take positive actions because we have an abundance of present and past information, more accessible than ever before.>>

Yes, I too think many solutions exist, and most require us to find solutions that result in \'win-win\' answers (to use a Management buzzword). To me the \'win-win\' is pure enlightened self-interest. But we must try to lift ourselves above narrow tribalism to succeed. Tribalism may once have been essential for the earlier development of mankind, but now it\'s becoming an increasing danger.

<< So I say: Use it! Learn. Try. Our humankind\'s survival depends on it. >>

But \'humankinds survival\'? That may have to be sacrificed to our Posthumanity... :)


This message was posted by JMS to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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