Re: Hoppe on Buchanan

Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 13:55:36 MDT

You may have the last word on this Dan, because I will not waste a lot of
time on old PB. I don't take him as a serious analyst, but merely as a racial
polemicist. Or as the joke went: Hey! No picking on Pat Buchanan, he last an
uncle at Aushwitz, he fell out of a guard tower.

He was the same fellow I remember seeing who stated on the McGlaughlin Group
(I no longer ever watch them) that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was like taking on
North Korea, and the US had better watch out! This was December 1990. I have
since learned to dismiss every other statement PB has made including the rant
against the North American Free Trade Agreement. As far as his fellow White
Christians being overwhelmed by swarthy latino hoardes, I would concurr that
there is indeed a problem, save that Pat is messing with it. Therefore, based
on past inaccuracies, it will probably be a solvable problem. Solution: more
cultural brainwashing by Americans.

My last word: PB sux. A gestapo-face in wing tips.

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