RE: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: Smigrodzki, Rafal (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 19:39:05 MDT

Brian D Williams [] wrote:

This debate is about whether reporters should have unfettered
access to anything they want.

I vote no.

In fairness to the list I seem to be the only one arguing the

### I agree with your point, although on the other hand I think that once
the Israeli forces finish whatever they are doing in the West Bank, the
aftermath must be thoroughly investigated - if too many bodies are found,
and the survivors convicingly describe improper behavior of the army, we
should know about it.

Sometimes it is understandable that informations brokers are excluded in a
conflict (a point you made quite well), but then our index of suspicion for
any improprieties should be heightened, and sooner or later impartial judges
*must* learn the truth, the point made by Harvey.


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