Re: White Power Transhumanism?

Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 18:48:59 MDT

I am sick off this thread so far. I have heard arguements that X is right Y
is wrong and Z is racist becuase of semantic arguements etc etc......
       I dont care if X is black, white, green or purple. I do believe that
IN GENERAL there are differences between races, be it physical, pyscological,
Intelectual or what ever. This comes down to basic FACT and TRUTH. Now if the
facts we have read are wrong then it needs to be shown that this is the case.
       I beleieve that in general the jewish population or desendents from
this area are on average more inteligent than people from say the UK, and on
average, black people or people from African desendence are less inteligent
but have far more athletic ability.
       This is based on the scientific test data that I have seen, The TV
programs I hav e seen (Which face it, is the most evidence most people see)
and based on my own experience. Now you could easily argue that the
difference is cultural, financial etc and I would agree 100% so the arguement
is purely based on your point of view.
        Now does this make me a racist ????

I wouldn't judge a person on their race, I would evaluate them on how they
appear to me on their ability. For example, In an interview, if person X is
black and comes across as being less able to do the job than person Y who
happens to be white. Am I a racist if I offer person Y the Job. I dont think
so. Likewise, If I offer person X the job simple because I am under presure
to meet the ethnic minority quota. Am I being racist to person to person Y ?.
       I think even making an issue of this subject just proves that racism
is still along way from being settled.

       My view on the subject is simple:
Judge everyone on their own merits.
Other cultural views are not automatically wrong just becuase they differ
from yours.

       I believe this is the Extropian Way.


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