POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: Brian D Williams (talon57@well.com)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 14:13:14 MDT

>From: Harvey Newstrom <mail@HarveyNewstrom.com>

>I wish I felt like I was doing a good job, but lately I feel like
>it is a losing battle. I seriously think I see more anti-freedom,
>anti-rights, anti-speech rheteric here than calls for freedom. I
>see more support for initiating force at the slightest imagined
>wrong rather than calls for evenhandedness.

Slightest imagined wrong????

There were almost daily targeted terrorist attacks against
civilians, hundreds are dead, and the leader of the other side is
talking out of both sides of his mouth.

The press and the NGO's like the Geneva convention folks and
supporters are showing clear bias. No sign of evenhandedness.

When the press shows evenhandedness we'll talk about better access.

>There is more classism, nationalism, pro-government, pro-military,
>anti-individual support than I ever imagined could survive here.
>I even see more pseudo-science and religious faith in unverified
>conjecture than real technical possibilities. People seem to be
>just making up ideas for propaganda value rather than concerning
>themselves with real research, validation and facts. It is
>getting harder and harder to justify putting any energy into this
>movement when is seems to becoming more destructive and less
>scientific. This discussion list seems to have little to do with
>the Extropian Principles, the Scientific Method, or even logical
>thought. Politics and propaganda seem to have become the primary
>purpose for most participants.

Maybe not all threads are "pure" but that doesn't mean they're not
relevant. We have to survive today before we can survive tomorrow.

Politics and government is how human society is currently run, and
until we find a better alternative we have to work with what we've

A journey of a thousand miles.........


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