Re: Any Green vs Technogaian Resources?

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 11:05:03 MDT

L Sid wrote:

>Hi - my first post to the list.
>I am fairly new to the extropy game
Welcome to the game L sid.

> and was hoping somone could point me to
>any online recources that deal with the green vs technogaian "debate"
There arent any resources and little debate. I invented the term
technogaian in
a light-hearted article for last month's exponent. It refers the notion
that the
earth goddess gaia has evolved humanity, a technologically advanced
species, to rescue her delicate biota from starvation and freezing due
to loss of carbon, phosphorus and calcium. Homo Sapiens mine the
stuff in order to grow things for food and profit, and thus form a win-win
situation for life on earth.

My notion is that the whole idea of runaway greenhouse effect is fatally
flawed. This climate under which this planet first evolved life was not so
different from today. It had a reducing atmosphere, composed mostly of
carbon dioxide and methane, no oil or coal at all, yet it was still
enough to evolve life in the first place. I suspect we will find this
is not nearly as delicate as we have been led to believe, and we have
had far less impact on its climate than some gaians think.

Search the archives under technogaian. spike

ps glad to have you on board, L sid. {8-]

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