Re: White Power Transhumanism?

Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 00:41:08 MDT

Which put me to mind of an old 3d shooter game called Retun to Castle
Wolfenstein (Spear od Destiny). Some of the Level Bosses were mutant fighters
with an extra couple of arms and a whole lot of body mass. I believe I had to
use 3 magazines of 32 round MP-40 Schmeisser ammo to subdue these ubermen.
Hitler used his super-duper occult powers to data mine the future for wonder
weapons, according to this archaic game literature. I believe the top weapon
was the BFG, later used in Doom 1 & 2.

Perhaps Damien B. can work up a novellte based on this theme? Zu Bufehl!

<<I've often thought there are two solutions and they're not mutually
exclusive. One is to be a Power, so that you are not left behind. That
sounds good on paper, but how likely is it? The other is to make sure
there are lots of varied Powers, so that no one Power or set of them
winds up enslaving every sentient who is not a Power. This is sort of
like preventing a unapolar world, such as we have today where the US
basically is the Hegemon of the whole planet. (There's no equal or near
equal to check US power right now.)

My two cents!


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