Re: Culture:was(White Power Transhumanism?)

Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 18:29:54 MDT

In a message dated 10/04/02 00:57:27 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

> > I can't argue with that. "Not equal" doesn't mean better or worse
> > in my interpretation. It just means different and differences should
> > be celebrated.
> I agree if you mean differences that don't count in terms of morals,
> peacefulness, and the like. After all, if one individual (or group) is
> just a (pack of) murderer(s), bandit(s), rapist(s), and generally not
> nice, then I think I'd rather not celebrate her/his/its (their)
> difference. At _best_, I might tolerate it -- kind of how I feel about
> the governments of the world now; I'm in no position to do much more
> about them -- but not have festivals and parades for it.:)
> Later!
> Dan

       Exactly what I mean. Immoral and unethical behaviours should never be
celebrated. Cultural difference is the sticky issue. This is where the
unethical/immoral viewpoint breaks down. Everyone (hopefully) knows that
murder is wrong, regardless of culture, but there are some remarkable
differences where one could view the actions of another as downright immoral
even evil.
       One of the most shocking examples I heard of many years ago. Was
regarding certain remote tribes in Africa. Where it is the duty of parents to
masterbate their children untill they are old enough to do it themselves !
       Now im not to sure about the validity of this one and I wish I could
remember the source. I'm sure a quick Google could find it. Personally its
not something I'd like to read about. Sorry for raising it as an example
       The most common cultural stomache turner is the age old Canabalism.
My instinct and cultural bias makes me scream Nooooooooo to both these
activities. On closer inspection I can see the logic behind them and its not
too hard to see how such practices can become engrained into everyday culture.
       Even the cultural differences between generations in the same culture
can be markedly different. Especially in a rapidly evolving modern society
like ours.


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