POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: Brian D Williams (talon57@well.com)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 13:53:33 MDT

>From: CurtAdams@aol.com

>>I wrote:

>>Sure, everybody here remembers all the pictures on T.V. of
>>Israeli artillery lobbying shells randomly all over the West Bank
>>and Gaza...

>I get it from the newspaper. But, yes, after most suicide
>bombings, I recall an Israeli attack on a Palestinian residential

If you have a referrence I'd like to see it.

By the way terrorists live specifically in "residential"
communities and the Israelis are finding loads of illegal arms
caches and numerous illegal bomb and rocket factories in these same
residential communities.

>>Israelis targets are always related to the act involved, in the
>>one apartment attack I remember recently, the Israelis fired a
>>missile into an apartment building specifically targeting the
>>home of an attacker. The message: enemies of Israel are not safe
>>anywhere. I never saw a more surgical strike.

>Considering that the suicide bombers are dead by the time this
>happens, no strike could possibly be considered "surgical". I
>suppose you would suggest seizing my assets to cover my brother's

Even suicide bombers don't act alone, in the case of the apartment
attack another member of the team was targeted.

Sorry to hear about your brother's near-bankruptcy.

>>As regards attacks on the Palestinians if they use a shell it
>>comes from a tank, which as anyone with military experience can
>>tell you is completely different from an artillery shell.

>It goes "boom" and kills nearby people regardless of guilt. I
>consider these the relevant factors.

A tank round will generally hit close to where it is aimed, an
artillery shell will land (hopefully) within the general area.
Completely different, and targeting something specific is
completely different from punishing fire.

>While the current sweep could certainly be worse, I've seen many
>reports, including from foreign correspondants, of trigger-happy
>soldiers and tragic *possibly* accidental deaths. Yes, the
>correspondants tend to be Pallestinian-leaning since the Israelis
>are trying to exclude reporters - but that very exclusion inclines
>me to believe the other side. You don't cover up unless you've
>something to hide.

This isn't a police action, this is war! Although darn humane as
war goes. (that's a good thing)

These soldiers are after the people who've murdered their
countrymen, possibly relatives, and would murder them if they get
the chance. If the Palestinians hadn't commited acts of war against
the Israelis, they wouldn't even be there.

You exclude reporters because they might give away vital
information, like your position and strength. They do it all the

I like your idea about trying to keep this about facts.


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