Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects - US support of Israel vs.anArabic coalition against Iraq/Iran and US dependence on Saudi Oil -

From: dwayne (
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 10:13:27 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> I think you are assuming that there was some sort of rivalry between the
> US and Britain in the postwar period. This isn't so, the US assumed
> control of a lot of British assets as a matter of Britain paying off its
> Lend/Lease, wartime, and reconstruction debts, all of which was agreed
> to years before by Roosevelt and Churchill.

I'd love to hear the British perspective on this.
My understanding is that Keynes bitterly opposed the american terms during the
post war repayment negotiations, as he realised it would bankrupt britain and
collapse the empire. But I got this from a review of Keyne's works, as opposed
to reading those works themselves.


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