RE: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects - US support of Israel vs. an Arabic coalition against Iraq/Iran and US dependence on Saudi Oil -

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 17:40:33 MDT

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, William wrote:

> #### What energy solution do you think would be better than fuel cells?
> (The electric-gasoline hybrid is a modest improvement.)

The problem with fuel cells is building up the factories large enough
to produce millions each year. I doubt that will happen soon. Then
the second problem is what do you use for fuel? Methane? -- you are still
dependent on someone's natural gas, perhaps the M.E.; Alcohol? -- you need
to build the fermentors and then watch the price of food go up. Hydrogen?
You need to build a new pipeline system.

The best solution I've been able to devise thus far is solar ponds with
engineered bacteria that produce methane that you put into the existing
pipeline system and use as fuel directly into the cars and/or reform it
into H2 at the pump (or in the car) and run the fuel cells with that.

But you could switch cars over in the next model year or two to run
on natural gas (because we've been doing it with fleets for many
years), then down the road when you have the fuel cell production
capacity switch to H2.

> > The only way out of this mess is to begin to educate Arabs and
> > muslims (and Christans and Jews) in general to "think rationally".
> > You have to free the press, then convert the educational systems
> > and change the governments from monarchies to democracies.

As pointed out by others, it may be important to democratize
"gradually" so you don't end up with a government run by clerics
as happened in Iran and Afghanistan.


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