Young people WAS: Re: POLITICS/RELIGION: Grim Prospects Redux [Fwd: Arabic Press]

From: outlawpoet - (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 16:46:34 MDT

I think this is largely because young people are the only people who WILL do it. It's sad, but young people are the easiest to talk into anything. I would like to think it's because we're hotblooded and enthusiastic, but it seems more like we don't have enough meme immunities yet. Plus, if anyone tells us anything, it has a tendency to be a significant fraction of everything we've heard. Just cause we haven't been around much, you understand.

>>spike66 <> wrote:
>R. Coyote wrote:
>>"He says that the young
>>people executing them have sold Allah the most precious thing of all."

They certainly have sold Allah the most precious thing of all. I'm amazed that people accept that statement as positive, regardless of their background. It sounds like even he means that it's a great tragedy.
>>Why young people?
>I was hoping that someone would point to this paradox. Why is it
>always the kids who do this, the ones with the most to lose? We
>have yet to hear of a suicide bomber who is a dying emphasema
>patient, with little to look forward to other than an excruciating
>slow suffocation, a few more weeks of painful wheezing and
>gasping. Seems like the teens would get a clue.

I really dont' think it's much of a paradox. Dying people tend to look at living far more favorably than vigourously alive people who don't really examine what they have. I've known a couple people who have died slow and painfully, and near the end, they always seem to be grateful for whatever time they have.

>I suppose all else being equal, people get more peace-loving
>as they age? Hope so. The average age of people on the
>planet is increasing. spike

I think people get better at reacting intelligently in regards to ridiculous actions. I see the average age of people on the planet increasing as a wonderful good. So long as we solve some of the nasty mental side-effects of aging, like being crotchety. ;-)

Justin Corwin
"Is all the world jails and churches?"
                 ~Rage Against the Machine


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