Re: POLITICS/RELIGION: Grim Prospects Redux [Fwd: Arabic Press]

From: spike66 (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 15:24:59 MDT

R. Coyote wrote:

>"He says that the young
>people executing them have sold Allah the most precious thing of all."
>Why young people?
I was hoping that someone would point to this paradox. Why is it
always the kids who do this, the ones with the most to lose? We
have yet to hear of a suicide bomber who is a dying emphasema
patient, with little to look forward to other than an excruciating
slow suffocation, a few more weeks of painful wheezing and
gasping. Seems like the teens would get a clue.

I suppose all else being equal, people get more peace-loving
as they age? Hope so. The average age of people on the
planet is increasing. spike

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