Ancestors 'used drugs to survive'

From: Mike Linksvayer (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 16:06:40 MST

    Dr Roger Sullivan, of the University of Auckland, and Edward Hagen,
    of the University of California at Santa Barbara, say there is
    plenty of evidence that humans have sought out so-called
    psychotropic drugs over millions of years.
    Dr Sullivan and Dr Hagen believe that eating psychotropic plants may
    also have played an important role in helping the brain to function
    They argue that in some particularly tough environments, people's
    diets may have been so poor that they struggled to produce enough
    chemicals to help the brain function normally.
    Consuming plants containing substances that mimic the role of these
    chemicals could have helped make up for the shortfall.

Aha, agriculture causes evil drug use as well via poor diets. Perhaps
it really was the biggest mistake. :)

It's articles like this that I hope will lead a few more people to have
an "aha" moment wherein they realize that the WoD is utterly doomed to

Mike Linksvayer

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