twits with too much time on their hands

From: dwayne (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 04:58:16 MST

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:

> So please let yourself think about your position, maybe do a little more
> historical reading sometime. OK?


I'm *quite* aware of what happened, thank you very much. Despite your hugely
condescending rant, I *still* maintain that the cold "war" was in no way
comparable to World War 2. I'm sure you fogeys like to feel all
self-important because you didn't have a decent war to go off and be
slaughtered in droves, but it is the height of condescension to imagine that
people my age have no sense of history. I'd say people nowadays have as much
of a sense of history as those before them, if not more so because we live in
a much freer world, where things can be discussed without anywhere near as
much social and government pressure to not talk about certain things, not to
mention the vastly increased media penetration into the life of people

I found your tedious listing of police actions, civil wars, botched
revolutions and imperialistic excursions fairly tame besides Barbarossa, the
North African campaign, the horror of the Balkans, the *conquest of most of
europe* for god's sake, etc. etc.

Next time you want to get all huffy, do it on someone else's time, or better
yet, be polite and play nice, because all you are doing is boring me. Pfeh.


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