From: dwayne (
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 15:53:44 MST

Brennan Bakke wrote:

> > 1, 159,222 *connected users* online right now.
> >
> > Dwayne
> potential: 985+ teraflops, according to

How do they work that figure out?
Oh, and by the way.

When kazaa updated to version 1.5.1 some time ago, that clause was in the
EULA then.
I know this because I read it, because I'm always finding easter eggs in them
such as the current situation we are discussing.
I'm mildly disturbed that it took this long for anyone to notice, and freak
out about it.

I figured I'd run it until it started locking my system up or acquiring vast
amounts fo disk real estate, and then I'd delete it.


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