From: Reason (
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 06:35:52 MST

---> dwayne

> > Be interesting to see where it all goes, even if the company is steaming
> > merrily along to be clouted by someone who treats their
> customers better.
> > You actually have the inklings of a micropay/barter system here
> with enough
> > users to really make a go of it. People pay for what they download in
> > processor time -- zap, simple, uses what you have, huge
> userbase to build
> > on, none of this messing around with annoying intermediaries
> like money for
> > anything other than a yardstick.
> It *could* be really cool, there were 1.4 million users connected
> last night,
> and that makes for some hefty processing power, large user base
> etc., rah rah
> rah.
> But, you just know that they are going to do something evil and
> dodgy with it,
> because, sigh, that's how the internet works these days. Mind
> you, they are
> australian, so if they are *really* evil we can go pay them a visit :)
> I'd like to see it fired up into some vast distributed operating
> system which
> the users can make use of, run inferno over it or something, but
> I suspect my
> system will be crippled by some proprietary widget doing god knows what.

None of which really matters; the important thing is that someone slips over
the idea threshhold and makes an attempt at it. Once that happens, three or
four other entities will start on their own spin on the idea. Given a year
or so, we see if any of the business plans work -- if they do, then many
others will follow, among which one or more that cater to the evil-averse

I'm becoming quite interested in following the use of entertainment
properties in tech to acquire large userbases for more practical things
piggybacked on top...


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