Re: When Elephants Dance

From: Alfio Puglisi (
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 02:25:38 MST

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, jeff davis wrote:

>Here's how it came to me.
>I hate pop-up windows. Hate them. Wish serious harm
>to the spawn of satan responsible for this
>When a pop-up window appears on my desktop, I dash my
>cursor at light speed to the "kill the abomination"
>x-mark in the upper right hand corner of the box.
>Die! vile unbidden interruption, die! My response is
>instantaneous, reflexive, passionate, hyperbolic.
>Does anyone else feel this way?

I do. If you use windows, get the Proxomitron:

It's a proxy server that will modify web pages on the fly, removing most
banner-ads and pop-ups, and other 10.000 options (you can add your own).
It's nothing short of wonderful


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