Re: College major advice

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 04:47:30 MST

On 02 Apr 2002 02:33:09 -0800, you wrote:

>On Mon, 2002-04-01 at 18:52, Randy Smith wrote:
>> He probably found out that business lobbies have paid off the elected
>> officials in order to import foreign labor, thus greatly reducing
>> available jobs for new computer science grads, except those with good
>> GPAs from the top universities.
>No, the labor lobbies have paid off elected officials in order to
>prevent the free movement of goods and labor, protecting highly paid
>union jobs at the expense of many more non-protected jobs and all

The labor lobbies ATTEMPT to elect GUARDIANS to PROTECT the place of
business (America) that they (and their ancestors) have established
and nurtured with their taxes and the blood of their ancestors, lo,
these many years....

In years past, when those guardians betrayed them, they on ocassion,
hung those guardians from convenient trees and lampposts,all the while
taunting them and splashing their empurpled visages with all manner of
vile excreta. They seem to have forgotten that lately....

>> Think pre-med or pre-law. Nowadays that could be any degree....
>> They seem to be the only professions with enough organizational power
>> to fight off significant importation of foreigners
>Yeah, the primary determinant of one's success is the level of
>competition from "foreigners". That's why high school dropouts aren't
>making top dollar at McDonald's, it's that damned importation of foreign
>fast food workers.

If a business finds a way to (legally) virtually eliminate (or greatly
reduce) competition from other businesses in its particular field of
expertise, what do you think will happen to its stock price?
How about an established business making a good profit in the area of
its expertise, where barriers to entry for new business startups in
that particular area have suddenly been greatly reduced, thus ensuring
a flood of new competitors? In which direction will its stock price

Not that I really expect you to answer rationally: you speak from
dogma--in this area. This particular area you have reserved as a
"Logic-Free Zone." Rationality is not applicable to concepts in this
area--for you. Logic is still applicable to OTHER areas for you. You
can still solve a word puzzle, etc. But certain areas, such as the
aforementioned, are off limits for the application of your well-honed
logic skills. You are a True Human Critter....

>Here's to hoping that doctors do face increased competition in the near
>future, whether from immigrants or from teleoperating doctors in India
>or wherever.

I hope so, too. You see, I, and EVERYONE else in America, have much
to gain should such a series of events occur. Each and every one of
us inhabit, and are totally dependent upon, frail biological shells.

However, if the job market for computer science grads is flooded by
foreigners, I, and maybe 95% of Americans, have maybe a little to
gain. And 5% of Americans (programmers, engineers etc) have a lot to
lose. Ever heard of the Social Contract, the contract you have with
your "Fellow Citizens"? I thought not....

That is why I support building and maintaining free medical schools
overseas, and allowing any grads of those schools to emigrate to the

Not surprisingly, you, and virtually everyone else in America, have
never heard of such an outlandish idea. That is because the organized
lobby of doctors control -- to a great extent -- the public "debate"
in this area.

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