Re: Vee Are

From: dwayne (
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 23:30:04 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:

> Really, though, who cares?

Hang on, you're the guy who decided to rename the singularity.
And I'll point out that *you brought it up*

So I'd say the answer to that question is self-evident.

> I get credited in the 1993 Clute/Nicholls ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION
> with first use, in my novel THE JUDAS MANDALA (which also uses the terms
> `transhuman' and `matrix', and has an Omega end-of-time god thing, blah
> blah) which came out from Pocket Books in NY in 1982. Publication had been
> delayed for years, although a chunk did appear (as `Growing Up') in the
> short-lived sf zine GALILEO vol 1 no 1 in 1976, republished in my anthology

Fair enough.


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