Re: When Elephants Dance

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 22:34:44 MST

At 09:14 PM 4/1/02 -0800, Spike wrote:

>I have purchased exactly two hardbound books in the last
>12 months (both of them written by Damien Broderick).

A very clear-eyed and admirable choice, sirrah, and one I can only applaud!
But if anyone wishes to buy soft text by me and see me paid (as
hard-working author), they can buy a number of sf works of mine from (I'd recommend THE DREAMING)--and I believe Tor offers a
download/searchable edition of THE SPIKE as well.

Some links for anyone curious can be found at

(As Buffy said last night to another Spike: you didn't think I was just
going to let that *sit* there, did you?)

Damien Broderick

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