Re: EXTROPY: New Organization

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 19:42:44 MST

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 13:51:09 -0800, you wrote:

>As most of you should know, the situation with Rémy Martinot's
>parents in France is still a precarious one. It has made us
>take a closer look at the legal challenges facing us even here
>in the United States, and what we as Extropians can do to
>ensure that we will be able to accomplish our goals with minimal
>interference from local, state, and national governments.
>Acordingly, I have asked Greg Burch to begin the paperwork
>necessary for establishing The First American Church of Extropy,
>a 501c(3)-exempt religious organization, to further our goals.
>Religions have many legal advantages in this country and many
>of its regions. Members of our church will be better able to
>direct their medical care, and in particular will be able to
>claim religious grounds for refusing autopsy and requiring
>immediate cryopreservation of their mortal remains. Likewise,
>we will have standing to protest school books and curricula
>that conflict with or ridicule our beliefs; local school boards
>are reluctant to dismiss the concerns of religious groups on
>these matters. Finally, this may enable us to bring
>constitutional challenges to many laws that interfere with
>popular aspects of the Extropian lifestyle, including polyamory,
>nootropic drug use, bodily enhancement, and weapon use.
>Priestess Matasha will be available to solemnize weddings in
>accordance with California Fmily Code section 307 for reasonable
>fees that should help defray the cost of some of these changes.
>We also intend to lobby Congress to make Isaac Newton's birthday
>a national holiday.
>We are not ready to accept formal memberships or take tithes,
>but any of you with other questions can contact Deacon Russell.

A good idea. If you can't beat them, join them, or something like
that. I should join.

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