Re: When Elephants Dance

From: Mike Linksvayer (
Date: Sat Mar 30 2002 - 18:27:24 MST

On Sat, 2002-03-30 at 11:52, spike66 wrote:
> Money has everything to do with it. Money allows the creative
> segment of society the freedom to create. It provides an
> incentive to feed, clothe and shelter the creative.

Freedom abuse alert! Sounds just like those who claim freedom of speech
doesn't exist unless someone pays to get your message out.

> Thought experiment: name some famous Russian classical
> composers. Just the biggies, ones that you can think of
> without looking at your CD collection:
> Rachmaninoff. Tchaikovsky. Shostakovich. Prokoviev.
> Nikolai Rimski-Korsakov. Stravinski. Maiskovski.
> And there are plenty of other Russian classical monsters.
> Now name some famous American classical composers.
> 1. Aaron Copland.
> and... ummmm... lets see, Copland annnnnd... dont tell me...
> ummmmm... [five minutes later]
> OK Aaron Copland.

John Adams, John Cage, Morton Feldman, Meredith Monk, George Crumb. Ok,
they're all contemporary, but that's what I prefer. America was
considered a cultural backwater until well into the twentieth century.
How many great Russian composes came from east of the Urals? What
appears as the pinnacle of creativity in a few people is actually the
result of a huge amount of collaboration and cross-pollination. The
success of say Russian dance or Silicon Valley technology speaks not to
the need for greater incentives for owners of ideas, but for more
intense collaboration and cross-pollination. Some would call these

> What I want to see is some means of maintaining support for
> the training and development of art that is not a government
> subsidy but rather is voluntarily funded by large faceless
> corporations, with a profit motive. If we defeat copyright
> and the profits that go with creating content, then the faceless
> corporations will have ever less incentive to pour money into
> the arts and we get Copland, as opposed to Rachmaninov.

The money faceless corporations pour into the "arts" gets us ... Britney

Mike Linksvayer

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