Re: gender reassignment article in motorcyclist

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 23:28:49 MST

>>Samantha post me offlist your snail mail @, Ill send you the magazine.
>> spike
>Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
>Ah ha! Spike doesn't bother to dispose of his discarded intellectual
>entertainment sources in a responsible fashion as we here in Seattle
>must (paying dearly for that privilege) -- instead he simply ships his
>discards to other extropians.
So true. Robert I have a tall stack of magazines that will show up in your
mailbox soon. As you recall from when you were here last month, I have
not yet figured out how to dispose of them.

>Samantha -- don't send Spike your address unless he agrees to enclose
>a self-addressed stamped envelope to allow you to return said magazine
>when you are done reading it.
The irony of intellectual property goes even to this. If I were to scan
the article
and email it to Samantha, I would feel as though I were stealing the
IP. Yet I feel no similar pangs of guilt for actually sending the
entire magazine
thru the post. Ideally I suppose, others who read the original citation
might pay
3 bucks and buy the mag off the shelf, of which the publisher might get
a few

>At some point we have to "stop the madness" and we might as well start
>with Spike. Robert
Hmmm, I dont know about that. I have never been much of a madness stopper.
A madness *starter* perhaps. {8-] spike


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