Re: Discrimination

From: the animated silicon love doll (
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 10:30:39 MST

2002.03.26 08:50:56, Mike Lorrey <> wrote:

>The problem with this is extending such peer pressure to a group as a
>whole based on the actions of individuals. Should *I* be inconvenienced
>or refused commerce because I'm white, blonde and blue eyed, just
>because some neo-Nazis engaged in terrorists attacks? No, of course not.
>If I belong to a neo-nazi group or sport neo-nazi tatoos, clothing, etc,
>should I be refused business? You betcha. If I lived in Hayden Lake, or
>Elohim City, or have a public criminal record of harassment, weapons
>violations, etc, should I be treated differently than others? Of course.
>This is the line between bad and good profiling.
>ALL liberty is open to abuse, Chesh. Virtuous behavior is only virtuous
>if it is freely chosen. Enforced virtue is no virtue at all.

...I know. And I try to believe it and live it. But like my friend Madelyn
said a while back when we were talking about libertarianism - not only are
most people (in the US) not well informed enough to not discriminate based
on what the media tells them, most people don't *want* to be that informed.
They enjoy their lives of ignorance. Which is sad, and makes me somewhat
afraid of the posibility of this country actually going fairly libertarian.

cheshire morgan. Beer wants to be free.
                       -Bruce Sterling

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