Re: greens vs technogaians

From: spike66new (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 09:10:33 MST

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>>"Smigrodzki, Rafal" wrote:
>> spike66new [] wrote:
>> Had not humanity come along, all Gaia's lifeforms would
>> eventually perish for want of calcium and phosphorus, long ere lack of carbon
>> would become a serious issue...
>With technological intervention, the possible 'green belt' of
>habitability become wider for much longer, independent of the Sun and
>the Earth's natural processes...
Right! We shouldn't think of gas guzzling SUVs as *using* resources so much
as *rescuing* resources. SUVs are the friend of lifeforms. They free
up more
carbon, allowing more plant life, allowing more animal life. spike


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