Re: Sweeden & Germany to phase out nuclear power?

Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 10:42:41 MST

I am guessing that with the purchase of methane (natural gas) for gas
turbines from abundant sources, anywhere in the world; the need for nuclear
fission power plants is not necessary. If the political situation changes
drastically in the world, as it can (9-11) then Europe will have some,
concerns of supply again. But Greens are jerks, as they are never researchers
of technology, but merely complainers.

<<I could proclaim that the sky is falling, but I'm sure we'll muddle
through. We'll just burn a bit more fossil fuels, and we'll buy
power from abroad. Who needs power plants anyway? I get my power
from the wall jack.

Public opinion is fickle. (Just watch the wild pro/contra swings
throughout the EU surrounding the introduction of the euro.) A few
blackouts--maybe strategically placed during the broadcasts of the
Soccer World Cup this summer--would go a long way towards making
nuclear power popular again. The way things are, we'll have to
wait until some pain is felt.

I'm confident that if things get tight, nuclear power will be
resurrected. It will be a mild annoyance that we won't have any
recent designs or know-how by then.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                >>

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