Re: Sweeden & Germany to phase out nuclear power?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 13:25:23 MST

Kai Becker wrote:
> Am Freitag, 22. März 2002 15:46 schrieb Mike Lorrey:
> > Of course, its entirely responsible to leave the responsibility for long
> > term radioactive storage to the French and Czechs.
> Things are, as usual, a bit more complex than black and white or Mike's
> simplified "just shoot them" picture of the world.
> (1) The decision of the people (and the German government) was: We don't
> want nuclear power plants here, because it's too risky.

i.e. "we Germans are:

a) against nuclear power plants on German soil
b) not against using nuclear generated electricity from France and the

Despite the fact that German reactors are far more safe than the graphie
pile reactors in Chech Republic. I fail to see how Germans are 'reducing
their risk' by doing what they are doing.

> (2) The decision of the power companies, considering the regulations here
> was: We won't build any more nuclear plants here, because it's too
> expensive.

Because those germans who don't want nuclear power have piled regulation
upon regulation on top of things, not that the technology in and of
itself is too expensive (especially when you account for taxes on carbon

> (3) The power companies found, that they can buy relatively cheap electric
> power from elsewhere - Czechia, France - and sell it in Germany. This
> concept is called free market, you know...

Yes, though that energy is primarily nuclear generated, so all that has
occured is that the Germans have hypocritically abdicated the
responsibility for their consumption. They have externalized their
environmental costs onto others. They are certainly NOT being

> (4) Today you can buy "green" electricity. You pay more, they buy the more
> expensive electricity from renewable resources, wind, water, solar, etc. At
> least that is what the power companies tell you.

Yes, though I doubt the French or Chech sourced electricity is of that

> If it is not too complicated for you, Mike, please try to see the
> difference between the "Not here" vote from the people on the one hand and
> the commercial decision by the companies on the other.

I understand it completely. Try, yourself, to see the difference between
a Green who votes against nuclear power, against fission power, who
responsibly reduces their energy needs by 95% as a result, and someone
who is simply an elitist hypocrite who doesn't mind polluting the world
with nuclear waste, so long as that waste is in somebody else's back

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