Growing meat in vats

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 14:30:12 MST

An ancient science fiction dream has been growing meat in vats, providing
high quality protein without having to kill animals. New Scientist has
an article at
about an early experiment showing promise along these lines.

Chunks of fish muscle tissue 5-10 cm long were immersed in "fetal bovine
serum", a growth medium made from calves blood and widely used for cell
growth experiments. After a week, the muscle tissue had grown 14 percent.

FDA regulations forbid tasting the meat, but the researchers actually
fried it up with a little olive oil and by all accounts it looked and
smelled delicious. Apparently there's no law against cooking the meat,
you just can't eat it.

They are hoping to find a growth medium less likely to gross people out
or make them worry about mad cow disease. Not to mention that having to
kill a bunch of fetal cows in order to grow meat in vats kind of defeats
the purpose...


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