Re: BOOK REVIEW: The Common Thread

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 21:01:03 MST

On Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:29 AM Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
> Interestingly enough, there is such a lack of clarity with
> respect to what to do next, the DOE is soliciting public
> comments for the genomes it should be sequencing (they
> have to be related to its mission however).

Why not the genomes of organisms used in/for medical experiments? This
way, there can be an even tighter link between medical research and
genomics. Also, the genomes of organisms used for food or any human
use, such as trees used for lumber. This might have manufacturing
applications. (I'm talking about the ones that haven't been done yet.)

My one cent!


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