RE: Research Shows Just How Much People Hate A Winner

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 15:59:50 MST

I imagine that there is a body of research in psychology investigating the
relationships between computer system, experimenter, and subject, in this
common modern psych experiment format (experimenters assist subjects who run
through a bunch of screens on a computer). The problems with this experiment
must be similarly confounding the results of many others.

If there isn't a strong body of research in this area, there really should


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, 19 March 2002 5:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Research Shows Just How Much People Hate A Winner
> Emlyn O'regan writes:
> > I think it is likely that many players burnt others because
> they felt they
> > were expected to do something in the third stage. After all, these
> > experimenters are paying cash; you want to keep them happy.
> Doing nothing
> > doesn't seem to be, well, grateful, or being a team player,
> or whatever.
> That's an excellent analysis, Emlyn. I would feel exactly that way
> in an experiment of this type. It would seem impolite to refuse to do
> anything in this part of the game. Your idea to give people some more
> positive alternatives is very good as well. I predict that we would
> see completely different behavior in a game such as you describe.
> Hal

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