Re: Point-'n'-Shoot Sound Makes New Sport

From: spike66 (
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 13:04:25 MST

>spike66 wrote:
>>What I have in mind is a new sport, related to hunting.
Mike Lorrey wrote:

>This isn't really accurate....
>This is also false...
>The fact is that hunters have paid for...
>The problem with this is that the robot is not an actual animal...
>What a misrepresentation... Who have you been listening to, spike?...Actually, we already have 'robo-deer' that wardens use...
>Those who are 'not wimpy' already engage in hunting which incurs
>significant risks...
Awww come on Mike, cant a guy have a little fun on the
extropians list? The entire post was meant as a Saturday
evening entertaining diversion.

But you did bring up an interesting point:

... and as such the state
would be found liable for the deaths an injuries imposed...

In those regions where grizzlies and wolves have been
eradicated and the fed reintroduces them into the
wild, suppose some drunken prole is slain or damaged
in some way by the introduced wildlife. Would not the
fed be liable as all hell for that?

If not, I propose reintroducing rattlesnakes and
copperheads in the region that is now occupied by
the federal government, and steps taken to insure
the native snake population remains as high as its
historical levels, before President Jefferson
destroyed the habitat by placing government
buildings there. {8^D spike

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