Re: Army nanotech and scifi

From: Mark Walker (
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 06:15:24 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <>
To: <>
> Nanotech can be completely disrupted by high levels of radiation or
> high temperatures, both of which may be produced using non-nanotech.
> This is something generally ignored by people overly concerned with
> some-color-of-goo scenarios.
How much comfort should we take in this? Unless I am in a hermetically
sealed container surrounded by a sphere of high temperature or radiation it
seems that some of the darker goo scenarios really are a worry. A fleet of
microsubs and microhelicopters carrying nanotroops could destroy our
civilization in pretty short order. How will we disinfect and protect the
world's air and water supplies? And if a few manage to survive holed up in
some fortress protected by radiation or heat, it seems the nanotroops still
have the option of constructing retroweapons such a nuclear bombs to coax
you out.
I would love to be convinced that the reality of the situation is happier
than this.


Dr. Mark Walker
Research Associate, University of Toronto
Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Evolution and Technology

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