Re: ARTS: You did say Comics -:)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 23:44:32 MST

Oh my! Thanks for the links. This stuff is very, very
wonderful. Extremely creative, smart and full of heart.

- samantha

the animated silicon love doll wrote:

> 2002.03.14 19:47:53, wrote:
>>Just to put in a plug for "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud. It's a
>>of comics as art, done in comic book format, and it's superb. As he's
>>how comics can be used for unique and interesting goals, he's showing by
>>that it's a suitable medium for artistic criticism. Wish he were at a
>>somewhere. Not hard to get; I've seen it in bookstores.
> And he has a webpage at <>. IMNSHO, he's one of
> the few people who's really pushing the medium of webcomics to it's full
> extent. I think some of the comics on his site, if they were to be printed
> out, would be about 11 continuous feet. Very interesting, very
> entertaining. Read him, he's smart!
> cheshire morgan. Beer wants to be free.
> -Bruce Sterling

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