Re: Frozen French Couple Update

Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 12:39:23 MST

       Keep up the good work Jacques. As you know, I'm 100% behind you. I
wish I could do more.


In a message dated 14/03/02 18:53:10 GMT Standard Time,

> Good news !
> I had the lawyer's office on the phone earlier today. They confirmed
> they had just filed a formal appeal to the decision this afternoon.
> But the nature of the decision was such that one was not guaranteed
> that it wouldn't be executed all the same (before the appeal was
> considered).
> In the meantime, however, we learnt from the press that the "préfet"
> of Maine-et-Loire said that he would not execute the decision in a
> hurry, even though the appeal was not suspensive, and would wait for
> the decision of the Court of Angers on the appeal. He said he would do
> that out of respect for the family's mourning and the serenity with
> which this issue should be treated.
> I wrote yesterday to all the main newspapers and teles in France. On
> the other hand I never read the newspapers and haven't watched tele,
> so I don't know if it had an impact :-) Press in general may have had
> an impact, as things were put into the Prefet's hands by the
> situation, and he could take quick action without risks only in the
> complete absence of interest.
> We will try to coordinate with people who feel concerned about this
> (I have found quite a few, to various degrees, some even slightly
> organized), to raise public attention and try to influence the course
> of events.
> Jacques

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