EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (was Re: France: Court Rules Frozen Couple Must Be Buried)

Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 22:44:12 MST

I laconically observed:

>I should think that the EU's provisions regarding human rights would prove
>useful in protecting the suspended couple.

Then I got curious. What *would* the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights say?
Having googled, I here summarize some potentially applicable provisions.

Art. 1: "Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected."

Art. 2.1: "Everyone has a right to life."

Art. 3.1: "Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and
mental integrity."

Articles 6 (liberty and security), 7 (respect for family and private life),
10 (freedom of thought, conscience, and religion), and 11 (freedom of
expression) might also prove useful.

That said, the Charter strikes me as a very poorly written ("Everyone" does
not agree with "his or her") and internally inconsistent (mixing liberty and
welfare rights) document. It also has some odd particulars, including art.
3.2 (banning human reproductive cloning).

T.0. Morrow

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