Re: Trygve's Travesty

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 06:49:23 MST

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:15:04 -0800, you wrote:

>(I'm crossposting this from CryoNet as I think it is relevant to a recent
>discussion here).
>Trygve Bauge wrote:
> >Re the cryonic winter festival in Nederland Colorado.
> >"The frozen dead guy festival" (Grandpa Bredo's festival)
> >Press release from Trygve Bauge.
>Despite the fact that I have largely turned away from the cryonics field
>after the demise of Kryos Biomedical, I still read CryoNet, and I still
>find myself shaking my head in both disgust and regret for what could have
>been (and maybe...just maybe could still be) a promising industry.

Ah, yes. Kryos. Whatever happened to it? Can you tell us anything
about what happened?

>It need not be said here that Trygve is a kook. A loon. Someone with a
>skewered sense of reality, but yet, like many kooks and loons before him,
>he has to inflict his looniness on all those around him. And in his case,
>it is cryonics itself.

I agree with you regarding Bauge's deleterious effect on cryonics.
However, I feel I must warn you about how you describe Bauge. He does
have financial resources, and, how can I put this...he has in the past
expressed extreme dislike of being described as you have described
him... I think I will leave it there.....

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