Re: Movie _Contact_

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 07:56:37 MST

Spike wrote:

>The pulses were coming about one every 0.9 seconds
>(I timed them). They pulsed out all the primes thru 101. In that
>time the scientists had a short conversation.
>The problem is that the sum of the primes thru 101 is 1161, along
>with 25 pauses between primes at that speed would take about
>22 minnutes to complete. Had not Arroway been such a
>compelling character, or if I were any more Aspergerish than
>I am, this alone would have ruined the entire movie for me. spike

Actually, if I remember correctly (I have seen the movie about half a dozen
times, but it has been a couple of years...) there is a subtle time lapse
while the primes are doing their thing. There's a film-maker's term for
this, but I can't remember what it is.

One of the non-scientific things that bothered me about the film (only
somewhat) was that the special effects were great for the wormhole/Arroway
Island bit, but the filmmakers couldn't pull out the extra dough to make
the plane flight to the Japanese ship look even remotely real. Minor
quibble though. I still think it's a great movie, if only for the fact
that it puts transhumanist concepts across with very little compromise.

E. Shaun Russell<---------------->Operations Officer, Extropy Institute<--------->
Music Production Student<--->Trebas Institute
          Hear my music at:
                  ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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