RE: [fsml] Human clone claim

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 19:51:28 MST

ds2000 [] wrote,
> Human clone claim
> Seoul - South Korean researchers claim to have produced an early-stage
> human embryo clone in a procedure that could be used for medical
> purposes.
> Researchers at the Maria Infertility Hospital Medical Institute in
> Seoul made the announcement on Friday. They said they had transferred
> genetic material from human cells into the egg cells of a cow.
> The cells split and turned into early-stage embryos or blastocysts,
> which displayed up to 99% human characteristics, according to the
> leader of the research team, Park Se Pil.
> It would be impossible for the embryos to become fully grown human
> beings. But the researchers hope to use the method to produce stem
> cells that have the potential to become more mature cells that can be
> used to produce human tissue. - Sapa/DPA

Yuck! This is the exact kind of irresponsible work that will get cloning
outlawed world-wide. Human DNA in a cow egg? Human nuclear DNA plus cow
mitachondrial DNA? Nine-nine percent human (and presumably one percent
cow)? A combination human-animal embryo? This is exactly what scares the
public. Why would anyone do something like this and then brag about it
publicly. I can't see anybody wanting to endorse making animal-human
hybrids today.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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