The LE Cafeteria Plan

From: ct (
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 11:48:29 MST

Some employers provide a benefit package pre-loaded with a set number of
credits. To maximize employee satisfaction within those constraints, an
assortment of benefit options are presented for the employee's
mix-and-match selection. This is referred to as a cafeteria plan.

Now, a similar program appears to be surfacing in the area of LE...only the
clients seem to have gotten wind of it prior to agreement by the providers
as to the options that would be made available. There seems to be some
dissension about the disparity in credits across the targeted population.

The original thought was to assign a set number of LE credits that could be
utilized from embryogenesis to termination. Four thousand credits were
advanced to each pre-existing entity. Two thousand credits were thought
necessary to maintain an existence of sufficient complexity, interest and
satisfaction to propagate the human strain. The additional two thousand
credits could be retained by the original entity or used for reproductive
activities. A clone would result in a debit of two thousand credits,
whereas the typical two-donor offspring would 'cost' one thousand credits
each. Other combinations are of course encouraged. The genetic donors have
their accounts debited in relation to the proportion of genetic material
they are contributing. The base credit of two thousand is transferred at

Of course, arguments have ensued concerning the credits assigned to various
attributes. And so a lottery system of sorts has been designed to fill the
available genetic slots for any beings-in-the-works! Admittedly, some genes
are filled with a mind-boggling bid of one's entire two thousand
reproductive credits. Well! No being can start with more or less credits
than four thousand and so once all the slots are filled, there is a credit
adjustment made to keep everything neat and tidy.

Until this system can be implemented fully, there will be some inequities
that should be addressed. Some beings are discovering that their four
thousand credits don't stretch as far as they had hoped! Unfortunately,
they were constructed prior to completion of the human genetic library. And
it shows.

On the bright side, it seems that they have devised a schematic to guide
them in assessing their areas of insufficiency and implementing a plan to
achieve maximum life expectancy. We do hope this increases their overall
satisfaction with their plight.

Meanwhile, we will continue to switch over to the new system as quickly as
possible while minimizing the potential for fatal instabilities.
Current models may wish to choose interventions from the following list to
stretch their LE credits as far as possible.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience the flaws in the original
design may have caused you. Quality control issues are always of utmost

Selected examples of LE gains (in months) for optional interventions.
Mix-and-match to minimize your individual discomfort and maximize or
achieve your LE potential:

---Exercise consuming 2000Kcal/wk for 30 years [6.2month gain for males]
---HRT(hormone replacement therapy with estrogen & progestin [6-10month
gain for females]
---Reduce diastolic blood pressure to 88 mm Hg [13 for males. 5 for females]
---Reduce cholesterol to 200mg/dl [8 for males. 10 for females]
---Reduce weight to ideal [7 for males. 5 for females]
Course, you could just wait until your three coronary arteries are occluded:
---CABG @55yo [6-11 gain for males]
Or perhaps you'd rather have a :
---Heart transplant [31-99 gain m/f]

The Economic Evaluation of Medical Technology
(Gains in life expectancy from medical interventions)
(Standardizing outcomes data)
Then download tables 1-5.

Be sure to read the intro page prior to scanning the tables...unless you
prefer to draw erroneous conclusions.


o, did we lose our focus here?
yep.and seems the waves of expulsion once again resulted in stillbirth.

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