Re: Carl Sagan's Contact (was: My Review A.I. the Movie (total sp oiler I hop...

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 08:01:35 MST wrote:
> In a message dated 3/8/2002 11:27:12 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> writes:
> << It's also hard to see how anyone could put a message into Pi. That
> is such a simply defined number, how could it have a message? It's
> almost provably impossible. It would make more sense to put a message
> into Newton's gravitational constant G, something physical rather than
> mathematical. Of course it's a lot harder to find the 100th digit of
> G than to do so for Pi. >>
> Yeah... It might work better with something else, but this was fiction.
> Everybody's heard of Pi, even if they can't define it. So why not make it
> easy to understand. A circle hidden within a circle. Simple, elegant.
> That is also an ending. A good ending. She went looking for something 'out
> there,' and found it right under her nose. Those assheads who made that corny
> movie missed the boat.

The implied point of the circle within pi was to demonstrate the view
that the universe itself is an engineered construct, since pi's value is
entirely dependent upon the structure of the universe, just like the
wormhole nexus she travelled through, which was not built by those she
met on her journey, only discovered by them.

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