Re: My Review A.I. the Movie (total spoiler I hope)

From: John Clark (
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 09:10:33 MST

John Grigg <> Wrote:

>Damien Broderick shared with the list how author Brian Aldiss in the original
>story had the android boy as a very sophisticated program to in a sense
>fool" humans into thinking it was truly sentient and had emotions.

Well then this is one of those very rare occasions (Godfather, The Forbin Project)
where the movie is better than the book. The idea that a machine can be intelligent
but not emotional is a well worn cliche; I feel that if you must have a cliche in a film
at least have the decency to make it a seldom used cliche. Also, unlike most
cliches this one is false. I'm sure if Stanley Kubrick had lived he would not have
used it either, in fact the hypothetical movie would probably been even better,
but it's hard to point to a real film made in the last few years that was superior.

     John K Clark

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