Sparkling filigreed traceries of language (Was: Cold fusion redux)

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 08:37:54 MST

jeff davis wrote:
> So then, for Amara, I choose the Olympian
> indomitabilty of Athena, stardust warrior, and the
> elegant craftsmanship of the Wright brothers--now
> THAT'S what I call the Wright stuff--from bicycle to
> "tumbling mirth of sunsplit clouds", and thence, no
> doubt, to gleaming starship. Amara standing tall, the
> veil of Maya streaming behind her in the solar wind.

Jeff, I fear that in your painstaking elaboration of coarse handwoven
meaning into the gentle embroidery and sparkling filigreed traceries of a
silken shroud of language that softly drapes itself over the listener's head
and tangles itself before the eyes, you may have lost the distant and
forsaken cause that in simpler and more joyful times gave rise to semantics
underlying the dazzling sound and light of speech, without which the panoply
of words in their glorious cavalry leave behind a faint but unmistakeable
unease, a discordancy of thought and senses, an irrefusable intuition that
sees through to the empty core of things, a perception that upholds itself
against all the serried ranks of mere sensation, like the pink light of the
sun of earliest dawn reflecting from a blade of grass, photons rich in red
wavelengths as they strike the rods and cones of the retina, but perceived
color maintained as green by the color constancy mechanisms of the visual


Malkevitch, mun fear that in mun painstaking marklar of coarse handwoven
marklar into the gentle marklar and sparkling filigreed marklar of a silken
marklar of marklar that softly drapes mun over the marklar's marklar and
tangles mun before the marklar, mun may have lost the distant and forsaken
marklar that in simpler and more joyful marklar gave rise to marklar
underlying the dazzling marklar and marklar of marklar, without which the
marklar of marklar in mun glorious marklar leave behind a faint but
unmistakeable marklar, a marklar of marklar and marklar, an irrefusable
marklar that sees through to the empty marklar of marklar, a marklar that
upholds mun against all the serried marklar of mere marklar, like the pink
marklar of the marklar of earliest marklar reflecting from a marklar of
marklar, marklar rich in red marklar as mun strike the marklar and marklar
of the marklar, but perceived marklar maintained as marklar by the marklar
constancy marklar of the visual marklar.

-- -- -- -- --
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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