Re: Cold fusion redux

From: spike66 (
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 22:57:03 MST

Amara Graps wrote:

>Now in good sooth, sir, Master Spike, I doth protest. It is I who tis
>an embossed carbuncle, a rampallion, a fustalarion, a cullionly
>barbermonger, a globe of sinful continents, who must vanish like
>hailstones ere vultures grip mine wretched eyes.
See what Jeff Davis has done to us? Made us into adjective mongers.

I must protest the title of master, for I never finished my graduate degree.
They will put in on my gravestone: The lousy qutter! 12 credits short
of a

I have a plan: Ill get frozen! No gravestone that way. {8^D

Great verbiage Amara! spike

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