RE: Science did not prolong Asimov's life as long as expected (wa s: "Science killed Asimov")

From: Dickey, Michael F (
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 08:58:47 MST

-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Broderick []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 2:09 AM
Subject: Science killed Asimov

"Well, medicine, which is perhaps still more a black art. Well, actually
surgery, which is even more so. Poor Asimov, it turns out, died of AIDS. Got
infected during heart surgery. Wouldn't it rot your boots?"

Perhaps you should instead say 'science prolonged Asimov's life *only* 40
years (instead of 60, or whatever had he not accidently received AIDS).
Considering without science, Asimov would have probably lived a short,
painfull life and died around the age of 25 from an infection caused by an
ingrown tonail or some such other now trivial occurance.


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