RE: Cold fusion redux

From: Dickey, Michael F (
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 11:58:58 MST

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Lorrey []
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: Cold fusion redux

"I think that there are likely at least several technological ways to
achieve over unity sustainable fusion reactions. The government is ONLY
interested in discovering those methods which require large billion dollar
budgets, spent by highly trained individuals, at big government owned
facilities, and under the control of government bureaucracies. "

Now that I understand your view better, I pretty much agree with the
observations you make, though I think I would disagree with the intent
behind the actions. I dont think the government is *only* interested in
developing expensive fusion products, as they could spend a lot more on it.
I think the general scientific consensus is bigger hotter and more
expensive, its the scientists driving the direction of the research as much
as the government is. And I certainly do think there are several other ways
one may acheive a fusion reaction.

"Figuring out a way for the human race to free itself from the current
geopolitical system is directly in opposition to the self interest of
any government agency. Discovering a way that joe and judy sixpack can take
care of their energy needs without uncle sugar butting in and
controlling, taxing, or siphoning it in some way threatens the stability of
the current statist system."

Definately have some points there, but that assumes that all government
agents have this same objective, if that were true then government
interference / regulation / control would have already skyrocketd to
socialistic statist ones.

> However, the field of research has been only limited to plasma hot fusion,
> various other methods are not government funded,

"This says it all right there. The point is, that any efforts which are
government funded are ultimately under the control of the government. Any
projects which are not government funded which do prove successful will be
downplayed and discredited by the government."

I wouldnt say they would be downplayed by the government, unless pressured
by special interest groups. I would think the government would want to free
that money up to use it for ... say worthless anti drug use ads. The
government balks as much as possible at spending money on scienfitic
research, especially "pure" science, Fusion for the lay congressman still
floats around between "something interesting and potentially valuable" to
"obsessed scientists who want to play with expensive toys"


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